Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Man, it's been a while. I'm thoroughly depressed. Or, about to be. I'm watching the election results on TV... I am mad at the people who didn't vote and mad at the people who voted based strictly on race- white or black. I cannot believe that the people of this country could let such a weighted decision rest on what color person they like better. Actually, I can believe it, because most people these days are lazy and greedy and irresponsible and only a few of us still understand that we have responsibilities as citizens, parents, children, employees, mentors, Christians...I could go on. I just hope that the man we elect, whomever it may be, has God in his heart and our children's best interest in mind.


I only have 7 more days of school left this semester! I'm so excited. And then only one semester left til graduation. I register on Friday, and I have to say, it's going to feel good registering for my last college hours of undergrad EVER!! In order to make sure I make it to that graduation, I have to study for a test now. Sorry to be on my soap-box tonight.