Jack's teething. He's been crying since 3 this afternoon. Fantastic.
Shawn commissioned this weekend. It was pretty cool. I got to pin his bars on, which was so neat!! I'm so proud of him.
The fam came down. It was an interesting weekend. Will (Shawn's dad) had to keep Jack for us Friday cause I had school 3-11 and Shawn worked. Shawn didn't want them going anywhere b/c he is wayy uptight about Jack getting sick like Chris did and becoming handicapped. He basically doesn't like Jack leaving the house unless he is with him. That includes me taking him to the store. Crazy. So he asked them not to go anywhere and for good measure, hid the carseat before he left for work so they couldn't leave. Come to find out (today when Will called me on their way home from here), they left anyway. Now you see why the title of this blog says fuming. What the heck was he thinking taking my kid somewhere without his carseat just because he didn't want to sit at home (and I think to also be defiant to Shawn)?!?!?! Not only is this illegal, but completely unsafe. I am SO unbelieveably mad right now... Also, Connie, my step-mom, had to be taken to the hospital. Come to find out, she has kidney stones. Man, what a weekend.
And I'm not in church right now because my kid is sprouting teeth, which leaves me to do anything I can to stop the crying for 3 minutes and not able to do homework.
I'm gonna leave a nice, cheerful post someday.
BTW: I'm gonna say something to Will about the carseat incident. If I tell Shawn before I talk to Will, I'm afraid it will be pretty bad... I'll let you know how it all turns out.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Posted by larapete at 3:41 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Jack is 7 months old today. I absolutely cannot believe it. Cannot. He celebrated bright and early by eating the pavement this morning... He was outside with Shawn sitting in the driveway (don't ask me why, boys are weird). Since all Jack wants to do is crawl, but hasn't mastered going from sitting to crawling yet without face-planting, guess what happened? The poor little guy had a big ole goose egg on his head and scratched up his head and nose pretty good. :( So sad.
Have I mentioned lately that I HATE Shawn's work schedule? It's after 10 now and he's not off yet. He gets home around midnight like, every night... I miss the hubs. And my sanity. This housework/homework combo minus a helping hand is the pits. And tonight at church they announced that they were starting a young adult class (yesss!!). But Carl (the elder who announced it) made it pretty clear that he didn't want to do it and thought it was a bad idea. He basically told us to not join it without saying "Don't join it." Bah humbug.
But I can't wait to see Shawn on Saturday in his cammies... I am so proud already. Plus, he's quite the looker. :) lol. Ok, enough for tonight. I'm sure there's something around here I need to be doing...
Posted by larapete at 8:02 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Ten Days
It's been a while. Ten days. And I feel like it will just be a rambling sort of post... so brace yourself. First, here's what's going on this week. Shawn is working, of course, so I am here with Jack in the evening. The weight of school is starting to get a little heavy, all the professors think their class is the most important class... So I'm super busy with homework, which is really hard to get in before I put Jack to sleep at night. Plus, Shawn commissions Saturday and all of our family on both sides is going to be here, so I have got to get this pig-sty cleaned before that. I have class Tuesday and Thursday from 8-3. Church Wednesday from 7-8 and cleaning and homework all day. Thursday is school, plus a debate workshop from 7pm- whenever it's done. Friday I have to work at the debate on campus (hence the workshop) from 3-11pm. I should probably get an espresso IV hooked up real quick...
I'm taking a swimming class this semester that is awesome. Since my back is so messed up, there are only a few types of exercise I can do without a ton of pain, and swimming is one of them. It's my last class of the day and a great way to have some time to myself and unwind before I get back to the grind.
Ok, on a more random note...you know when you are somewhere, like an assembly or movie or something and you're trying to listen? And there's the guy or guys behind you that are talking, and their voices are on this tone level that all you can hear, despite your best efforts is them. JEEZ, I hate that!! (It happened today in class) And I didn't get to hear the lecture. Not that I really was interested in what she was talking about, but hey, I kinda need to hear in order to graduate. Thanks, guy.
I haven't seen Shawn at all in the past 24 hours... He got home from work after midnight and I was asleep. And when I left for school this morning, he was asleep. And he had to be at work at 2, I get home from school about 330. Bummer. Maybe someday we can be husband and wife again. :) In the meantime, I seriously doubt my awesome mothering and just basic good human skills. If Jack spits up, I don't always clean it up really quick, and sometimes, if Rusty (the dog) gets to his spit-up covered chin first...I just let her clean it up. Then I hit it with a wipe. And since Shawn isn't here at nights, I don't much feel like cooking for one. I've been having Ramen and sandwiches for the past week or so. I know, I'm the epitomy of a healthy eating example for my son. But he does eat super-healthy. He had little pieces of my fettucini alfredo Sunday after church. We went to Zookini's for lunch. I swear, that kid will eat anything, it's great!!
Ok, well I guess I've vented enough for tonight, Lord knows I have other things to do. See ya!
Posted by larapete at 6:40 PM 1 comments
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Lady in waiting
Shawn got a job!! Hooray. He works 2-10pm Saturday thru Wednesday. Boooo!
He started Thursday and on Friday, he asked what his schedule was. That was the answer. By the way, usually you ask for your schedule on the first day. Along with those other new job questions like, how often do we get paid, how much am I making, etc? But not Shawn. lol, he amazes me sometimes. Anyway, so since Thursday, I have been all alone here with Rusty and Jack starting at 1:30 every afternoon until around eleven. And it sucks. It's kinda like being single again, except you don't get housework or homework done cause you've got a kid to tend to, not because you're too lazy to do it. And I have been less than motivated to cook a meal since Thursday too. Tonight was my third night in a row to have sandwiches- yum! Not. I just don't want to cook for me!
Also, I'm making (well, really embellishing) some burp cloths for a friend of mine that's having a baby. I got a new sewing machine for my birthday from my parents, and it's awesome. I have sewed a few things here and there, but nothing major until this project. So I made it halfway through the first one when, BAM, I ran over a pin, breaking the needle. Dang. So I replace it, I have 3 others. Everything is good, I get the needle threaded again and start. Same thing happens, only this time I didn't run over a pin. This process went on until I had killed all of my replacement needles. Yep, 4 in about 30 minutes. I was pretty much fuming. Cause I didn't know what the deal was, I wasn't running over anything and had the needle in correctly...nothing wrong. Today (like, a week later), I finally buy some more needles at the store. I get that baby in the machine and start sewing. Very slowly. It seems to be working fine, yes!! SNAP! Man, I was mad. This went on, I ended up breaking 3 more. I still don't know what the deal is. I am contemplating throwing the possessed machine off the roof later.
Tech was winning the ball game last I heard. Wreck 'em! I'm going to bed now. Mama is tired.
Posted by larapete at 7:21 PM 3 comments
Sunday, September 7, 2008
How can I be so tired? Jack sleeps better now than he used to, which we are so blessed by, but I always seem to stay up later or do more in the day to make myself dog-tired. Ridiculous. Nathan and Pam just left with their 2 kids. Nathan is Shawn's brother. They live about an hour away, so it was nice to see them. They have a 4 year old and an 8 month old, so it's neat to be able to see what Jack will be doing next in her.
I got a hamburger recipe to make for lunch for us and it looked so so good. I forgot to let the whole mixture set up in the fridge for an hour. It was like mush, would not hold together and just all around sucked. I was so mad. Not only did the awesome recipe not work out, but we wasted money on food and had to wait another hour and a half before we ate. I'm a horrible hostess. Ha. Plus, it's about to rain here and with the kids running in and out, there a a MILLION flies in the house. Gross.
Guess that's it for now. I might try to catch a nap before Jack wakes up from his.
Posted by larapete at 2:36 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 5, 2008
Number One
I have officially joined the world. I have a blog. Haha. As if I'm not busy enough with school and 'mommying'.Do husbands count as kids too? I don't know who reads these, but I guess I'll tell a little about me. I'm Lara, married to Shawn and we have a 6 month old, Jack. I go to school at Texas Tech and will finish up in May of 2009. Shawn is going to commission as an officer in the Marines at the end of September then we'll be off to Quantico, VA for 6 months. After that, we'll be stationed in Pensicola for at least a year and a half, maybe 3 years. I'm psyched for the beach!!
Living in Lubbock has been great. A big change from Waco. I especially love the lack of humidity. I don't understand how I was able to stand it for so long. Every time we go home to visit, (Shawn's family lives in the area too) I want to lay under the AC and fans all day! But, I miss my family like crazy. No, it's more than missing them...it's whatever the next step up from missing is. I call my dad everyday at least once a day. Shawn doesn't understand it, but I don't care.
Speaking of family, they are coming up for a visit this weekend. It'll be short though, Dad has Sam, my brother for the weekend, but he has to be back at my mom's by 6 Sunday. So they're only staying tonight. Bummer. But I'm happy either way, a visit's a visit. Oh, and don't expect me to talk about my mom much on here. It's a very sticky, crappy, smelly situation... Shawn prefers me to not talk to her at all. Hmm... Maybe in anothe post. So, I guess that's it for now. Jack's napping and I should be finishing up my insane cleaning spree for the fam.
Until next time...
Posted by larapete at 1:01 PM 0 comments