Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Ten Days

It's been a while. Ten days. And I feel like it will just be a rambling sort of post... so brace yourself. First, here's what's going on this week. Shawn is working, of course, so I am here with Jack in the evening. The weight of school is starting to get a little heavy, all the professors think their class is the most important class... So I'm super busy with homework, which is really hard to get in before I put Jack to sleep at night. Plus, Shawn commissions Saturday and all of our family on both sides is going to be here, so I have got to get this pig-sty cleaned before that. I have class Tuesday and Thursday from 8-3. Church Wednesday from 7-8 and cleaning and homework all day. Thursday is school, plus a debate workshop from 7pm- whenever it's done. Friday I have to work at the debate on campus (hence the workshop) from 3-11pm. I should probably get an espresso IV hooked up real quick...

I'm taking a swimming class this semester that is awesome. Since my back is so messed up, there are only a few types of exercise I can do without a ton of pain, and swimming is one of them. It's my last class of the day and a great way to have some time to myself and unwind before I get back to the grind.

Ok, on a more random know when you are somewhere, like an assembly or movie or something and you're trying to listen? And there's the guy or guys behind you that are talking, and their voices are on this tone level that all you can hear, despite your best efforts is them. JEEZ, I hate that!! (It happened today in class) And I didn't get to hear the lecture. Not that I really was interested in what she was talking about, but hey, I kinda need to hear in order to graduate. Thanks, guy.

I haven't seen Shawn at all in the past 24 hours... He got home from work after midnight and I was asleep. And when I left for school this morning, he was asleep. And he had to be at work at 2, I get home from school about 330. Bummer. Maybe someday we can be husband and wife again. :) In the meantime, I seriously doubt my awesome mothering and just basic good human skills. If Jack spits up, I don't always clean it up really quick, and sometimes, if Rusty (the dog) gets to his spit-up covered chin first...I just let her clean it up. Then I hit it with a wipe. And since Shawn isn't here at nights, I don't much feel like cooking for one. I've been having Ramen and sandwiches for the past week or so. I know, I'm the epitomy of a healthy eating example for my son. But he does eat super-healthy. He had little pieces of my fettucini alfredo Sunday after church. We went to Zookini's for lunch. I swear, that kid will eat anything, it's great!!

Ok, well I guess I've vented enough for tonight, Lord knows I have other things to do. See ya!


amazz said...

Aw, I'm sorry you haven't seen your hubby lately. That's so hard! Especially with a baby in the mix. I hope you get to take a break really soon!! [[hug]]